Monday, August 27, 2007

Cooking homemade french fries in beef fat

Hello again, thanks to a comment posted on my blog I think I have found a very important thing for cooking french french fries in beef fat. This stuff makes french fries taste so much better. Actually now that I think about it, anything that goes in the grease cooker now that the beef fat is in there tastes so much better.

I know it sounds strange at first, but do you remember a couple years back when Mcdonalds french fries tasted really good? Yea, me too. The reason their french fries changed was they stopped cooking their french fries in beef fat. So now you know that beef fat makes that big of a difference.

Ok, so thats one more piece in the puzzle of the ultimate homemade french fries, now I need to scavenge the Internet for more homemade french fries cooking secrets.

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1 comment:

Ono Notme said...

Here's my vote on the best way to make homemade french fries.
1. Peanut Oil
2. Small Cut
3. Lots of salt but no other seasoning
5. Drain on a paper towel in a single layer.
6. Eat them while they're still hot!

Ono Notme